Always Growing, Always Changing

Christianity. Jesus. Holy Spirit. The Father. God. Belief Systems. Religion is quite a complex ground to excavate when all is based on beliefs.

How does one decide which belief is correct for them?

As I have studied the Old and New Testament, I have come across many questions within my heart. For example, are the stories literal or metaphor? Are they written after being orally passed down hundreds of years, or were they written immediately, and then passed down hundreds of years to be translated? My interest in theology has not wained; but my belief and adherence to a religion, has.

I love the story of Jesus / Yeshua. He was prophetically born and sacrificed. He was a rebellious orthodox Jewish boy who was spiritually-full and intelligent. He saw massive wrongs in the systems around Him.

I fully support and back the idea of an inspiring, popular Rabbi (teacher), who made a difference with acts of love during His life. How did His story become so popular and world-renowned, compared to many other prophets and rebels?

Politics and zealous missionaries, plus a superb road network in Rome spread Christianity faster than any other religion. It was made the official religion of Rome, favored by the government, and was in the center of the most technologically advanced city of its time. This allowed the city of Rome and Europe to conquer other nations, bringing their faith with them.

If you read Jesus’ stories, and you read His word, you will find that He says to worship GOD. Not man. Not a golden calf. NOT HIM. Not many Gods. Just ONE truth, love, honesty, power, healer, creator, force that encompasses all good and evil.. to believe that we are all a part of this one force. Jesus never wanted recognition of his name or acts; He didn’t write his stories, a journalist did. He didn’t send out missionaries to spread his name; He sent them out to do acts of love and healing.

Jesus brought me closer to God, and I finally have a concept of what and who “God” may be. For me, I like to live in my own reality. My God, the one I worship, love, and talk to daily, is one of love. My God IS truth, IS honesty, IS redemption, forgiveness, salvation, release of guilt and shame. My God is inspired by Judaism’s golden rule, a Buddhist’s way of discovery, and Jesus’ way of rebelling against a dysfunctional system.

So I’m not really Christian, Jewish, or religious. I have a set of beliefs that is based on love, and the action of it.

LOVE is the common thread in most religions: love one another, respect one another, and give back to the community. Be honest, truthful, and mindful. Create peace, spread warmth. Inspire. Uplift.

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